Mould cleaners, diluents, hot cleaners

They are the natural completion of our portfolio. No matter whether you need mould cleaners, hot cleaners (screw cleaners) machine cleaners or diluents (tube cleaners) – we have exactly the right product for your specific needs in our programm. All our cleaners are suitable for all merchantable PU-direct soling and PU-casting machines.

Application Rika-articel Short description
Diluent and tube cleaner LVR 50/205 “Rikamoll” Diluent for the efficient cleaning of color tubes or rather for thinning down our PUR color pastes
Mould cleaner LVR 60/7 Cleaners for metal PUR-moulds, NMP free
Hot cleaner (Screw cleaner) LVR    56 Hot cleaner for the efficient cleaning of mixing head screws/ for industrial deep fryers

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